Frequently Asked Questions
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What machine do I need?
Tracking-Up! is usually tested on a number of different Windows environments.
As a rule of thumb, (not Tracking-Up! related) get the fastest processor and the most memory that you can afford! [Return To Top]

Can I run Tracking-Up! on a MAC?
Tracking-Up! has been designed to run in the windows environment. MACs can run windows programs if a program such as Virtual PC has been purchased. This can usually be done through a MAC dealer. However Tracking-Up! has not been tested in the MAC environment. [Return To Top]

What if my favourite test isn't included?
 Tracking-Up! is no longer maintained so no new tests can be added.[Return To Top]
 Tracking-Up! works with all your favourite Dressage and Riding Tests:
R.D.A. and Para-
British Dressage
British Riding Clubs The Pony Club
British Eventing
British Horse Driving Trials Association
Side Saddle Association

 The inclusion of a test in Tracking-Up! implies no right to use. No test may be used without the appropriate authority of the issuing organisation.

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Copyright © 2006-20, 2021 S James and L Stearn - This product is no longer maintained